
Values and types

A screenshot of the featured courses on FutureLearn.


A screenshot highlighting some pieces of text in the featured courses section on FutureLearn.


A screenshot highlighting some numbers in the featured courses section on FutureLearn.


A screenshot highlighting some alternative elements in the featured courses section on FutureLearn.

How do we represent these values?

  • We use strings for text:
    • "Explore featured courses"
    • 'Find out more'
  • We use booleans to choose between alternatives
    • true, false

What about numbers?

  • Many languages differentiate between types of numbers.
  • Integer types (int) for 75, -2, …
  • Floating point types (float) for 4.6, -0.789, …

But in JavaScript …

… a number is just a number.

typeof a value

Use the typeof keyword to get the type of a value:

typeof "Hi"       // "string"
typeof 12.34      // "number"
typeof 3_000_000  // "number"
typeof false      // "boolean"


  • Use comments to explain pieces of your code.
  • The language ignores them.
// Line comment

/* Block comment
can span
multiple lines. */



Things that have value.

  • The simplest expressions are literals:
    • 1, "Hi", true.
  • But they’re not so useful alone.

You can use operators to build complex expressions:

1 - 2;            // -1
50 * 70 / 67 + 9; // 61.2388…
typeof true;      // "boolean"

Wrapping an expression in brackets doesn’t change it’s value:

(1 - 2);            // -1
(50 * 70 / 67 + 9); // 61.2388…
(typeof true);      // "boolean"

Operator precedence rules apply, even to non-arithmetic operators:

(50 * 70 / 67 + 9); // 61.2388…
50 * 70 / (67 + 9); // 46.0526…
typeof (2 - 1);     // "number"

You can use an expression where a value is expected:

typeof (50 * 70 / 67 + 9)
console.log(typeof true)

What if we wanted to store the value of an expression?


// Declare a variable
const costPerItem = 3000

// Declare a variable
const costPerItem = 3000

// Use the variable
console.log(costPerItem * 10)

How to name variables

  • First character must be a letter, underscore _, or dollar sign $.
    • E.g, x, $, _
  • Following characters may include numbers
    • Valid: y2, first_name, _LAST_NAME_, $10
    • Invalid: 2a, middle name
  • Names are case-sensitive
    • message, Message, MESSAGE are different variables.

The JavaScript convention is camelCase 🐪

Variables that vary

  • A const variable is constant; it always refers to the same value.
  • That’s usually fine, but sometimes we’d like to reassign a variable to a different value.

Consider an online shopping cart:

Screenshot of a cart item on Tarbiyah Books Plus.

const quantity = 1

// When the user clicks the plus button,
// increase the quantity.
quantity = quantity + 1

const quantity = 1

// When the user clicks the plus button,
// increase the quantity.
quantity = quantity + 1
// Error: Assignment to constant variable

Use the let keyword instead:

let quantity = 1

quantity = quantity + 1

console.log(quantity) // 2

Addition assignment operator

let quantity = 1

quantity += 1

console.log(quantity) // 2

Increment operator

let quantity = 1


console.log(quantity) // 2

You can initialize a let variable with a value after declaring it:

let quantity;

// initialize after declaring
quantity = 1


console.log(quantity) // 2

Its value will be undefined until you initialize it:

let quantity;

console.log(quantity) // undefined

// initialize after declaring
quantity = 1


console.log(quantity) // 2

Absence of value

  • Special values: undefined and null.
  • null is often used for an intentionally absent value.

Operations on strings

Joining strings

Also known as concatenation:

const firstName = "Mubaraq"
const lastName = "Wahab"

const fullName = firstName + lastName
// "MubaraqWahab"

const firstName = "Mubaraq"
const lastName = "Wahab"

// Better
const fullName = firstName + " " + lastName
// "Mubaraq Wahab"


You can use special strings called template literals to interpolate:

const firstName = "Mubaraq"
const lastName = "Wahab"

const fullName = `${firstName} ${lastName}`
// "Mubaraq Wahab"

Get a character from a string

Use square brackets to specify an index (starting from zero):

//                 0123456
const firstName = "Mubaraq"

const initial = firstName[0] // "M"
const second = firstName[1] // "u"
// and so on...

Get part of a string

Use the slice method:

//                 0123456
const firstName = "Mubaraq"

const firstThreeLetters = firstName.slice(0, 3)
// "Mub"
const thirdToEnd = firstName.slice(2)
// "baraq"

Does a string include this?

Use the includes method to check if a string includes another:

const firstName = "Mubaraq"

// true
// false

How long is a string?

Use the length property to get the length of a string:

const firstName = "Mubaraq"

// 7

String to number

You need to convert a string to a number sometimes, such as when working with user input:

// Assume this is from user input
const input = "20"

// Careful here! Result is "203"
input + 3

Use the Number function to convert a string to a number:

// Assume this is from user input
const input = "20"

// Convert to number first!
const inputAsNumber = Number(input)

// Result is 23
inputAsNumber + 3

Or use the + operator:

// Assume this is from user input
const input = "20"

// An idiomatic way
const inputAsNumber = +input

// Result is 23
inputAsNumber + 3

Number to string

The opposite is possible too, using the String function:

const num = 20

// Result is "20"
const numAsString = String(num)

Or the toString method:

const num = 20

// Result is "20"
const numAsString = num.toString()

Or even concatenating with an empty string:

const num = 20

// Result is "20"
const numAsString = "" + num

UPPERCASE, lowercase

const firstName = "Mubaraq"


// "mubaraq"



  • A program is a sequence of statements.
  • Statements are executed one after another.

const name = 'Mubaraq'
const message = 'Hello ' + name
typeof message

A variable declaration is a statement:

const name = 'Mubaraq'
const message = 'Hello ' + name
typeof message

An expression can act as a statement too:

const name = 'Mubaraq'
const message = 'Hello ' + name
typeof message

You can’t use a statement as an expression:

// Error!
const message = 'Hello ' + (const name = 'Mubaraq')
typeof message

An assignment is an expression:

let name
const message = 'Hello ' + (name = 'Mubaraq')
typeof message