
Logical operators

We learnt how to make decisions based on simple conditions.

But what if we have complex conditions?

A hypothetical e-commerce app with a list of laptops for sale and several options to filter the laptops.

Logical operators

Logical operators

OR, AND, and NOT.


The e-commerce laptop list filtered to show only Apple and Microsoft laptops.

Let’s assume each laptop looks like this:

const laptop = {
  title: 'MacBook Pro 13"',
  brand: 'Apple',
  screenSize: 13,
  // ...

OR syntax:

expression1 || expression2

One expression must be true for the result to be true.

const { brand } = laptop
if (brand === 'Apple' || brand === 'Microsoft') {
  console.log("It's an Apple or Microsoft laptop.")


The e-commerce laptop list filtered to show only 14-inch Apple laptops.

AND syntax:

expression1 && expression2

Both expressions must be true for the result to be true.

const { brand, screenSize } = laptop
if (brand === 'Apple' && screenSize === 14) {
  console.log("It's a 14-inch Apple laptop.")

Let’s take a more complex example

The e-commerce laptop list filtered to show only 13 or 14-inch Apple or Microsoft laptops.

const { brand, screenSize } = laptop
if (
  brand === 'Apple' || brand === 'Microsoft'
  screenSize === 13 || screenSize === 14
) {
    "It's a 13 or 14-inch Apple or Microsoft laptop."

AND has higher precedence than OR:

const { brand, screenSize } = laptop
if (
  (brand === 'Apple' || brand === 'Microsoft') &&
  (screenSize === 13 || screenSize === 14)
) {
    "It's a 13 or 14-inch Apple or Microsoft laptop."


The e-commerce laptop list filtered to show all but the 13-inch laptops.

NOT syntax:

  • If expression is true, the result is false.
  • If expression is false, the result is true.

We wrote this previously:

const { brand, screenSize } = laptop
if (brand === 'Apple' && screenSize === 14) {
  console.log("It's a 14-inch Apple laptop.")

Let’s invert it (NOT has higher precedence than AND):

const { brand, screenSize } = laptop
if (!(brand === 'Apple' && screenSize === 14)) {
  console.log("It's not a 14-inch Apple laptop.")


Conditions don’t have to be boolean; JavaScript automatically converts them.

We did this in the previous lesson:

if (course.rating !== 0) {
  console.log(`Rating: ${course.rating}`)

We could write it this way too:

if (course.rating) {
  console.log(`Rating: ${course.rating}`)

The following values convert to false; we call them falsy values:

Boolean(0)          // false
Boolean("")         // false
Boolean(null)       // false
Boolean(undefined)  // false
Boolean(false)      // false

All other values convert to true, so they are truthy:

Boolean(3.4)              // true
Boolean("thinkdev")       // true
Boolean({ key: 'value' }) // true
Boolean({})               // true
Boolean([1, 2])           // true
Boolean([])               // true
Boolean(true)             // true

Redefining the logical operations

The NOT operation returns true if the operand is falsy, and false if the operand is truthy.

!true   // false
!0      // true
!"hi"   // false

The OR operation returns the first truthy operand. If there’s none, it returns the last operand.

true || false;            // true
0 || null;                // null
"hi" || "hey" || "hello"; // "hi"

The AND operation returns the first falsy operand. If there’s none, it returns the last operand.

true && false;            // false
0 && null;                // 0
"hi" && "hey" && "hello"; // "hello"

Short-circuit evaluation

Open your REPL and type:

abc && false;

There’s no reference (i.e. variable) called abc:

abc && false;
// Uncaught ReferenceError: abc is not defined

Rearrange and abc will be ignored:

false && abc;
// false

It applies to the OR operation too:

abc || true;
// Uncaught ReferenceError: abc is not defined

true || abc;
// true